
Saturday 3 January 2015

RUMPS and Emilla Pads Review + GIVEAWAY

Dear reader, I am going to discuss about reusable menstrual products, might seem odd and unnecessary, but please bare with me. It might just change the way you view "that time on the month", that horrible time of the month for most of us ladies.

RUMPS (reusable menstrual products) are the healthier alternative to the disposable pads many women use. It might seem strange and unhygienic to reuse such a personal item, but let me explain:

Disposable products usually contain a combination of cotton, silk(sometimes), synthetic fibers and wood pulp which might not seem as a problem, BUT what you don't know is the chemical and technological processes that are involved in the production of these components. They usually involve some type of bleach (Chloride dioxide) that has a by-products - dioxin - that is a harmful and bio-accumulative molecule and can remain in our body for many years. This is a recipe for disaster, many women experiencing side effects such as allergic reactions, hormone disruption, reproductive disorders and also, there is a high risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This is a condition where the normal, harmless bacteria found on the skin manages to enter the bloodstream, where it releases toxins. There is no evidence to show that reusable menstrual products such as pads and menstrual cups carry this risk. It is difficult to say what "ingredients" big companies use to produce their pads, as they always (no pun intended) try and hide or not tell us that because it would just mean bad business.

When I first stumbled upon RUMPs, I though to myself - yuck, I don;t want to deal with that, is easier to just buy disposable and throw them in the bin. But as I read more about the benefits, such as less cramping and shorter period flow and that I could just not experience period rash ever again, I decided to commit and buy some to try and see how it works.
Let me just tell you, IT WAS THE BEST DECISION EVER !

If you want more info about the way I clean them, let me know and I'll make a different post about that, it's easy and quick. And oh, another plus - there is no yuck smell, because reusable pads do not give any bad smell. That is given by the reusable products giving away some sort of "fumes" that are just the worst smell ever, no matter how much you wash your lady parts.

I could go on and on about how much I love my pads, but I think it's best to link some good sources, and you can read more about it:

Emilla is a Hungarian company run by the lovely Mónika.I've contacted her for my first ever pad order because I didn't understand the payment method and she was more than helpful, always giving me the right information and advice. She is more than happy to help you make your mind on what pad would suit you best if you never tried one before but know what you like in the disposable pads, for example: what length and absorbency is best for you.

Her story is very nice and heart warming, her late grandmother used to teach her how to sew pads in a way to fulfil a woman's needs during that time of the month. Considering that her granny had been in the women's sewing circle back in the '30-'40 when times where tough, I think Mónika learnt from the best. Times might be different, but periods are the same old story. After the sad passing of her grandmother, she decided to start sewing pads and thus, everyone can now benefit from this skilful hands. To honour the person she learned everything for, she named the company after her late grandmother, Emilla !

In my opinion, her pads are a very good choice for a beginner or if you just want to ease your way into cloth. 
 All the information you need is on the official website and the instruction leaflet shows the size and dimensions of the pads that she carries. 

I just love that every style has a different name and now, I just know exactly that I personally like the Aphrodite and Penelope the best, they are very similar in size to a disposable pad. In fact, even the heavy absorbency one is thinner than a disposable. I must say, her pads are one of the thinnest on the market, which personally is something I look for in a pad as I like to feel comfortable and not show up through my clothes. They very interesting thing about pads is that you can;t feel them at all !! Trust me, disposables are a thing of the past if you just try a cloth pad, it feels like nothing because you can choose the top fabric, for example I like Emilla's cotton top ones. They are extremely soft !

Furthermore, her pads have labels which indicate with the help of the little moons the type of absorbency they have, for example: a full moon is a heavy, half is a medium, a crescent moon is a light pad! I just love the detail she puts into her pads.

My last order was delivered after Christmas and I was extremely excited because I am due soon and cannot wait to use them now !

The pads came in a very colourful package with cutesy labels and the nice logo on, I was so excited I had to put a picture on my Facebook page ! 

Inside, she always puts some chocolate which I think it's a very nice gesture and a few stickers for me to play with :)

I ordered quite a few pads this time, I couldn't resist the cute Batman print I saw on her Instagram. Because this isn't on the website, I contacted her personally and she was able to make a few for me, yay!

I now own:

Penelope - Star Wars print - moderate flow
Penelope - Birthday print - moderate flow
 2 x Afrodite - Batman print - light flow
Afrodite - Blackclusive print - light flow (which I forgot to photograph,oops)
Afrodite - Dog print - light flow - which she was kind enough to send as a gift - Thank you a lot, Monika !

To conclude, I am truly in love with Emilla cloth pads, my review is honest and I haven't been paid to give you my opinion. I just love these pads because they are pretty, lightweight, easy to use and they clean beautifully. I also, wouldn't write about something so taboo unless I truly believed in it, but I want to be one of the ones who did try to spread the word about cloth pads. They can change the way you view "that time of the month" and I think it;s worth the try.

In case you are interested in purchasing from Emilla Website and don't know how, there is a useful tab at the top of the page "How to order from Abroad" There you will be given all the information and steps you need to follow in order to pay for your goods. Just make sure you click on the English flag to switch the website from Hungarian to English.

    Competition now closed !

She was kind enough to send me an extra pad to give away to you, my readers !

It's a Penelope heavy flow in a vibrant Matryoshka print !


1. Leave a comment in the comment section saying why you would like to win
2.Follow me on Instagram (if you don't have an account just state that in your comment and you can follow me on Facebook)
3.LIKE Emilla on Facebook

If you like this type of giveaway, share this competition of any social media, the more people we get in, the more I know people enjoy it and I will do more in the future ! 

*Competition open Worldwide


P.S. Wordle picture from the comments so far ! So cute !


  1. I want to win because I don't own any Emilla pads

  2. I'd like to win because I've just started building my cloth pad stash and I don't own any Emilia pads. :)

  3. I would like to win because I can no longer obtain these in the US, and I really wanted to review these on my new blog, but I was so broke from Christmas shopping! Thanks so much for this buy the way!, in case you wanted to check

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh, and I'm following you on facebook, btw

  4. I don't have any Emilia's and they are pretty!

  5. I would love to try Emilla pads! I have heard wonderful things about them. I only have a few pads that I have made myself and would love to try something someone else has made to see if they might work better for me.

  6. I would love to win because I don't own any Emilla pads. I have heard nothing but awesome things about her brand! Thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all that enter

  7. I was not able to receive an Emilla pad before she had to stop selling to the US. Ladieebee92 on IG :)

  8. I would love to try Emilla pads! I currently do not own any and didn't realize until now that she stop shipping to the US.

  9. I would love to try out her brand. I do not have any yet. I love the story of her grandmother. :)

  10. I have recently been diagnosed with a devastating chronic and possibly terminal illness called Wilson's Disease at only 18 years old. Winning this pad will help me to regain some control over my health and well-being that has been lost to me following this diagnosis. I don't have an Instagram, but have followed you on Facebook as well as liked Emilla's Facebook page.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that ! I can only wish you good luck and I hope you keep positive and enjoy life as much as possible ! X

  11. I would love to win because I need to build up my stash so I don't have to rely on any disposables!

  12. I love Emilie pads! They look awesome! I'd love to try them. I've never used cloth pads before. I followed on Instagram as Babyblyez, already liked on FB as becky munster

  13. I really want to try Emilla and this may be my only chance since I live in the US. Good luck everyone :)

  14. Stephanie Barnard1/03/2015

    I would love to win because I am still trying to find a pad that will work well for me.
    I do not have instragram- liked and following on FB.

  15. I would like to win because I've never heard of emilia pads, and because im simi new to the cloth world I love trying out new makers! Thanks for the honest review!

  16. I'd like to win because Emilla pads seem to be one of the best brands, and I really want to try them out!

  17. Amanda Austin1/03/2015

    I would love to win one for my 11 year old daughter, because they are thin and would be perfect for her. I can't follow you on Instagram, because I don't have an account, but I'm following on facebook.

    1. Hello Amanda, you are the winner of the competition. Congratulations !! Please PM me on Facebook with your details or send me an email at

  18. I'm entering because I have none of her pads and I've always wanted to try them! With the recent fda chaos and her no longer selling to USA I didn't get a chance. So winning would be amazing!

  19. Also I don't have Instagram

  20. I've just order my first pads from a few different makers, I'd love to win to try another maker!

  21. SapBrad1/04/2015

    Such a beautiful and creative brand :) Don't enter me as I already have an Emilla pad. I'm just sad that I can't get anymore in the USA!

    1. Hello, are you sure you don;t want to enter the giveaway ? you might just get lucky and win another one for yourself x

  22. I would like to win because I'm new to cloth and don't own any branded pads (just ones I made myself) so it would be cool to try something new :)
    I don't have an Instagram but following/liking on Facebook.

  23. I've never tried Emilla pads but I'm super in love with PIMP pads. I've heard that the backing on Emilla pads is less scratchy than PIMP...which is really enticing! ( and sarahsternby on Instagram)

  24. I love reusable moontime pads! Don't have any Emillas, though. Not on instagram, but i like you on facebook! feedmecmoore at gmail dot com

  25. I love the design on these and would love one to add to my collection! I've only started using them recently so building it up slowly

  26. Thank you to everyone who entered the GIVEAWAY so far ! Good luck to all of you !

  27. Hey! That's a really interesting Giveaway. I'm in! I would like to win RUMPs, because I'm really interested in the way they work and so on... I'm quite skeptical, but it's a new year and I have to try new things. Why not starting with Emilia Pads? I'm following you on instagram and facebook. :)

    1. Good Luck, Bianca ! You should give pads a try, I cab assure you that it will change your perspective on how a period should feel like! I'm glad I planted the seed of doubt regarding disposables :) good luck!

  28. I would love to win an Emilla pad because I am just starting to build my stash and I don't want to have to rely on disposables when I leave my house. I also really want to try these designs and I wont be able to get any in the United States anymore.

    Thanks for doing a giveaway :)

  29. I'd love to try them because they look so thin!!! I'm following on FB and Instagram.

    Thank you for hosting the giveaway :)

  30. Thank you for hosting the giveaway! I would like to win because I don't have an Emilla pad yet. I have been following Monika on Instagram and Facebook for a while now and think she is just a sweet woman. Sometimes you just get that good vibe about someone, and Monika does that! Thank you for the opportunity. I've followed you on instagram!

    1. Thank you for your entry ! Yes, she is that type of person you just know they're kind! Good luck !

    2. Aww, thank you girls! <3
      Good luck for everyone!

  31. Would love the opportunity to win, building a stash.

  32. I've never used her brand before, would love to give it a try.

  33. I would like to win becauseI have a friend that wants to switch to cloth but doesn't have the money to buy pads right now. So if I win, I will give it to her to begin her stash :)
    I don't have Instagram

  34. I've heard a lot about Emilla pads and I'd love to try one. I'm definitely sharing this on Facebook. Thanks

  35. I am just about to embark on my mama cloth experience (currently breastfeeding) and have no idea what type/style I will like so would love to win this to try as one of my first ever pads

  36. Ooh probably should add I have followed you on instagram but I am iznatls on there

  37. I am new to cloth pads and have a very small stash. I'm also trying to figure out what brand fits me best. Also following on instagram and Facebook.

  38. I would like to win because I don't own any Emilla pads, I am relatively new to cloth and I wouldn't normally purchase one because of the cost of international shipping. I am iisabelle on instagram.

  39. I've been making and using cloth pads myself for a couple years, but have never purchased one made from someone else. Would love to win! No insta for me. But I will follow on Facebook ! Great giveaway!

  40. I'm new to cloth pads and I'm trying to see which ones I like.

  41. Oh and I do not have Instagram.

  42. I would love an opportunity to try out another brand. These are really cute & I love that she named her brand after her grandmother. I also live in US, so won't be able to patronize her store directly. :(

  43. Oh, I don't have instagram, so following via facebook.

  44. Apparently my comment didnt post lol. I follow both (you and Emilla) on fb (no instagram) id like to win because im fairly new to cloth pads, single mom of 3 so cant really afford to buy online. The ones ive made are functional lol but def not as nice as these. it would be amazing to have one of the Emilla pads :)

  45. Rhiannon1/13/2015

    I would love to try this emilia pad...I want to start a RUMPS collection and thought this would be a great place to start :) The pad looks like a good one to start with so this is why I would like to win is also very sweet how she named the store :) Thank you very much for this opportunity :)

  46. I would like to try Emilla's pads because I like ultrathin pads and from all the reviews I've read they do are very thin, being European I also like to support "local" bussiness.
    I don't have an Instagram account so I follow you and Emilla on FB (Esthie GarGar).
    Thank you for bringing us the chance to try Emilla's pads.

  47. I would love to win so i can build my stash!! i only have a couple of RUMPS ATM. Do not have instagram so im following on facebook! Thank you!!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I would like to win because I love Emilla's Pad but I don't have enought money to buy from her now! I'm starting a youtube channel next month (two actualy, one in Italian, I'm from Italy, and one in English) to review pads and cups and I would love to have some of her pads to review because I think she's amazing and her pad should be know everywere!
    I follow you on twitter (rain_sorrow) and Emilla on fb with my account that I don't know if it is connected to this account. So if you want to make sure just ask!

  50. This is amazing! I have a few cloth pads and think it would be really great to have enough to last a whole cycle without needing to wash them! Thanks for the chance to try a new brand!

    Followed and liked!!

  51. I would like to win to add another pretty to my stash :) (liked and followed, saratillzer, sara tilly)

  52. oops, I thought my first comment disappeared, bet seems it was for approval :/

  53. Hey Andra :)
    I would love to win this for a friend who needs to try cloth pads. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and you have an amazing blog. I am friends with you on Facebook but I will like your Facebook blog page.

  54. I would love to win because I have always wanted to try emilla pads and it is financially out of my league to buy cloth pads. I don't have intagram.

  55. I would like to win because I have never tried cloth pads before but I love the concept of it instead of just throwing away pads and money.

  56. I'd like to win because I've never heard of emelia pads before!

  57. not sure if post went thru I would love to win this for my daughter she just started and we are trying to build her a stash so she does not have to buy from the store and ruin her health don't have instagram but follow on facebook

  58. I want to win because im a paddict!

  59. please pick me I want to try it!

  60. Mimi Fee1/19/2015

    Star Wars AND Batman! I need them!
    Do not have instagram so I'm following on facebook. :)

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I don't have an Instagram so I'm following on Facebook. I'm new to AMPS and want to try cloth pads really badly.

  63. I would love to win because I don't have any and live in the USA so this is my only chance!
