Officially married for over a week now! Life has been very good to me lately and I couldn’t be more thankful for everything. Sometimes things fall into place when you least expect it, I believe I needed to learn this in 2017/18. But I also know not to take things for granted and enjoy evey minute of the good days. After our big...
It's been a different beginning of the year for me, I feel I have lost all my energy and inspiration, hence the lack of posts and Insta Stories. I suddenly ask myself whether it will ever come back or whether finding a "new me" might be a better choice. The answer is: I don't know. But I do know one thing, I have...
That time it was chilly on a summer day It's 29th October as I am writing this blog post, the windy growing in power and the temperatures are dropping more day by day, but... I was looking through my holiday photos and I found these from a day when I was in Puglia, Italy enjoying the late summer's warmth <3 Looking back at...