
Hello lovelies, as per your request I decided to add a bit more variety into my blog and Youtube channel, so I have a new video showing you how I prepare for my day.

 It's a fun and catchy video that was filmed and edited by my talented friend Alexandra Tincu <3 I must admit that I am not the greatest at filming, I tried really hard numerous times, yet when I would transfer the files on my computer everything was out of focus or a complete mess. It was very lovely having a bit of help with this :D
Leave a comment if you liked the edit ;)

On a day to day basis, I get out of bed, check my emails and go straight into the kitchen to prepare some food. After my hunger is gone ( I usually stop eating around 7pm the previous night), I can move to making myself look presentable <3


This is my favourite part of the day. I get to relax and think about what I need to do for the day while catching up on some Youtube videos and having a warm cup of coffee. It's very cathartic !
 Here, I am showing you my favourite products at the moment, but let's be honest, I went all out because on a gloomy Monday, I would do maybe 4 steps out of all the ones I showed here. 


I almost never do much to my hair. Maybe curl it a bit OR I put it in a pony tail OR bun time !
My hair is long and I don't have the patience nor do I want to dedicate too much time to it <3
But a good tip I have is to add a bit of hair oil when it's dry and sleep with it in a bun or braid (always) <3 This will save your hair from more damage and also will give you a nice curl or a wave ;)

What do you normally do to your hair to look good ?

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